All children affected by limb deficiencies and other complex orthopedic conditions deserve access to the most technologically advanced treatment available. The Paley Foundation is focused on educating and mentoring orthopedic surgeons worldwide in the application of advanced techniques in limb salvage and reconstruction.
The Paley Foundation promotes the dissemination of cutting edge techniques for the treatment of rare and challenging congenital, developmental, and post-traumatic orthopedic and spine abnormalities.
To that end, The Paley Foundation sponsors a variety of educational opportunities designed for surgeons, fellows, residents, and medical students in the United States and abroad who wish to augment their knowledge of and treatment skills in limb lengthening and deformity correction.
About us
Limb deformity correction and limb lengthening are highly complex treatments. Meticulous surgical techniques, vigilant follow-up, and aggressive rehabilitation are required for a successful outcome. The results of lengthening and correction are dependent on the experience of the surgeon and their surrounding clinical staff.
All children affected by limb deficiencies and other complex orthopedic conditions deserve access to the most technologically advanced treatment available. The Paley Foundation is focused on educating & mentoring orthopedic surgeons worldwide in the application of advanced techniques in limb salvage and reconstruction.
The Paley Foundation promotes the dissemination of cutting edge techniques for the treatment of rare and challenging congenital, developmental, and post-traumatic orthopedic and spine abnormalities.
To that end, The Paley Foundation sponsors a variety of educational opportunities designed for surgeons, fellows, residents, and medical students in the United States and abroad who wish to augment their knowledge of and treatment skills in limb lengthening and deformity correction.

Educate healthcare professionals from around the world in state-of-the-art limb reconstruction techniques.

Provide multi-disciplinary programming to support orthopedic surgeons and therapists in their efforts to improve the strength, mobility, and functional independence of their patients..

Advance medical science and technology through research, innovation, and the publication of scientific work.

Inspire those in the medical community to provide the best care, deliver the best treatment and ensure the best outcomes for their patients.